Near And Away

A canvas to share photos and notes of our travels

Among Friends

This site is the outcome of an idea I have been kicking around for several years. It's not quite a travel blog nor is it a journal, more an experiment in sharing highlights of our travelling experiences. These highlights take the form of trip notes and photographs and/or videos.

When we have shared photos of our trips with friends and family, exclamations of delight frequently ensue. But as our travels take us farther from our original home, and our friends become more widespread and numerous, it becomes difficult to continue sharing with everyone.

So please enjoy, and if in some way we make your world a little bigger and brighter for having shared pieces of our own experience, then I am satisfied.

I ask that when you visit, you respect the purpose of this site taking nothing away with you except memories or ideas for your own adventures, abiding by all copyright laws and Terms of Use for this site.

Most Recent Posts

I finally added a link to Paul and Carol's gallery of photos from the Galapagos Islands/Ecuador. They have some fabulous photos -- do not miss out!

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador in April 2007 - view trip notes and photographs.